Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas in Cambodia "Merry Christmas"

Christmas trees surrounding a Buddha shrine. Rather interesting, don't you think?

Isn't our little tree cute? We bought a hand made wooden nativity, a wreath, and a Santa stocking.

You can see Dad grading papers beyond the stocking. He said, "I put in 2 for 1 just grading papers".

We did have one of his students who is a member of the church, but hasn't been there in a number of years, attend church today. He was going to bring a friend with him, also a member of the dental class, but his mother wouldn't let him come.

See how Elder Morgan's garden grows.

We even have a small green peper and blossoms on the tomato plant.

Visit from Elder Garn for District Confernce

We enjoyed the visit from Elder Garn. He is still the kind, gentle man we knew while we were in dental school together. He is from the 2nd quorm of 70 and he presides over one half the worlds population. His council is for us to help the people be self reliant not dependent on the church. We have been asked to give generously to the various funds of the church, and give of ourselves to help the people know the Lords way.

Water Festival Cambodia

We went to a water festival which is a celebration of the end of harvest and the reversing of the river direction, offering to the water deamons, the end to the rainy season, and a parade of the provinces before the king etc. There were teams that came from the Cambodian provinces, and other near-by Asian countries. It was quite a show. We told you about Pchum ben days when everyone goes to the provinces, well this festival brings all the people from the provinces to Phnom Penh-between 2 or 3 million people. The boats contained from 25 to 72 men or women rowing their boats. They were dressed in very bright shirts and hats. This event went on for 3 or 4 days. This is a view of the Tonle Sap just before it empties into the Mekong Sap, a couple of the boats and a few of the people.
In the evening we watched some fireworks and then the float-boats of the king, parlament, and government agencies all floated by; it was quite a show.
We were cautioned about robbers and muggings, but we came and went in a tuck tuck without an incident.